Our sailing lessons may be held either during entire week charters, or during three weekends, or during long navigation charters (also during the Atlantic Ocean Crossing). Days with plenty of daylight, mid-seasons' changeabe sea and weather conditions and long navigation charters are the best occasions in which to learn or to improve the art of sailing. Here follows information on our courses in detail.
Beginner's sailing course
Sailing theory, nomenclature, parts of the sailing-boat
Point of sailing, speed, sails, sail adjustment
Reduction of the sails, reefs, chill wind sailing
Courses, bearing, position, driftage, leeway
Engine, boarding equipment, most frequent problems
Weather forecast with observation of clouds and barometer
Weather forecast sources: how to listen to and read them
Mooring, docking and open berth
How to recognize beacons and lights
Precedences: how to avoid trouble with ships and fishing boats, etc.
Navigation practice, helm, manoeuvring
Deep sea sailing course
All topics present in the beginner's course are discussed in more detail and the following topics are also developed:
Applied meteorology
Orientation with the sun and the moon, an outline on use of sextant, use of gps
Salvage and rescue operations
Safety on board and problems during long navigations
Storeroom, stowage, boat steadiness
Captain's rights and duties and how to deal with the crew